About The Fairy Tale Life

by | Jan 6, 2019 | General Blog Information, My Life, My Writing, Update

So, what is a fairytale lifestyle?

Honestly, I don’t have any idea.

Or, I should say, what it means to me is probably different than what it means to anyone else. And, truthfully, what it means to me can change from day to day, depending on how my day has gone. It can be Cinderella and fairy dust.Or it can be Maleficent and dragon flames.

Then what’s this blog about?

It’s about small bites of adventure. It’s about simple, easy ways to add a dose of magic or wonder into a day crammed with obligations to family, career, community. To take a short break from the hundreds of tasks, big and small, that eat away at our energy and creativity.

Generally, its about whatever strikes my fancy.

Whatever gives me small break from the mundane. Or the overwhelming. Or just from being lost to far inside my own head. Hopefully, what I can encourage and inspire you to find the same kind of magic in your world.

It’s also about my a new way to share my work. I love writing novels and novellas, but I also have bits and pieces in my head that never make it on to the finished page. Stories from the history of my world, scenes from the book from a different character’s point of view and even snippets of the future from characters who’ve already gotten there HEA. I’m hoping the blog is a fun place to share this miscellanea with fans who will enjoy reading it as much as I love writing it!

So, what can you expect to find here?

  • Fun, easy crafts and recipes
  • Updates, outtakes, and free stories from my various fantasy romance series
  • Random bits of home, fashion, and lifestyle ideas
  • Books and entertainment that fuel the imagination
  • Hopefully some inspiration and creativity hacks you can use as well
  • Probably the occasional story about my dog
  • Anything else that pops into my mind from week to week
  • Extra stories, snippets of background, and other entertaining fragments from the larger world of my various series.


Who am I?

I’m a writer. A wife. A sister, a daughter, an aunt. Oh, and the personal assistant to a very demanding terrier.


I am an introvert and homebody. I love the IDEA of adventure, but not, you know, actually leaving the comfort of my home to go find it. Or the clean up. So, instead of seeking out quests, over the years, I found small ways to bring adventure and magic and fantasy to me. Books and movies came first. Then my own writing. Eventually, other creative outlets like crafts and cooking. I know some of you probably think cooking isn’t really adventurous, but you didn’t see the way I did in my twenties 🙂 I’ve gotten better since then, but I’m still never quite sure if I’m going to end up with dinner or yet another embarrassing story and a trip for takeout.

Basically, it boils down to this:

I’m creating a personal lifestyle blog. And that lifestyle is based on my fairytale version of adventure.

Welcome to the Fairytale Lifestyle.

What’s your favorite way to have an adventure from the comfort of your couch?


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