Happy New Year–A Little Late….

Okay so it’s almost two weeks into 2020, but better late than never right?
Between the holidays, racing to finish the revisions on Red Wolf Hunting, and a variety of real life snafus, my blog and social media time has been seriously curtailed the last couple of months.
I’d like to say that things are settling down now and it’s back to business as usual, but I’m afraid I can’t.
We’ve started renovations on our kitchen. And tearing apart one room always has a ripple effect not only on the whole house, but also on my whole life:) On top of that, we have a Vegas vacation coming up AND I’m already diving into plotting book 3 of Wolves Ever After.
So, for the next few months, my online presence will probably be somewhat curtailed. I still plan to pop in once in a while with updates, and maybe the occasional surprise, but it won’t be as often or as consistent. I will, however, still be sending out my newsletter regularly, so you can sign up on the sidebar if you want to stay in touch!
Rest assured, though, that this quieter me means I am hard at work on upcoming books and putting all my energy into giving each wolf his Happily-Ever-After!
So, until next time, I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and productive 2020!!